Avon Protection C50 protective mask
- SKU: xx-xxx-xxxx
The Avon Protection C50 protective mask shares key technologies with the U.S. M50/JSGPM (Joint Services General Purpose Mask) to provide maximum operational flexibility. It is capable of countering multiple threat scenarios, including chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological (CBRN) agents, toxic industrial chemicals (TICs), and toxic industrial materials (TIMs).
This first responder respirator mask offers high protection, outstanding field of vision, and superior comfort. The innovative design features optimize the user’s time in the operational area.
The C50 is ideal for battlefield CBRN protection, first responders, correctional officers, specialist law enforcement & counter terrorism operations.

Key Features:
Field of View
- Panoramic single lens visor
- Optically correct visor
- Scratch Resistant
- 3 face piece sizes for improved fit
- Chlorobutyl rubber and silicone blend mask
- Reflex seal with low profile brow for helmet compatibility
- Front mounted exhale valve allows clear direct communication
- For enhanced communication, an optional VPU is available
- External communications systems can be attached to the mask
Air Management
- Low inhalation resistance & excellent de-mist properties
- Heat build-up minimized
- Low-re-breathed carbon dioxide
Unique Visor Technology
- Polyurethane visor is highly flexible plus scratch and impact resistant and will not yellow over time
- Optically correct across the whole field of view
- Panoramic visor design gives excellent field of vision and wearer recognition while enhancing compatibility with weapon sights
- The Vision Correction System allows prescription lenses to be mounted inside the mask
- Clear outserts for extreme environments
- Sunlight outserts for high intensity light situations
- BlueBlocker outsert delivers sharper images by filtering out specific light wavelengths